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Do Pandas Attack Humans? Find Out With Us

Written by JessicaDavis


Posted on February 21 2024

Pandas are one of the cuddliest creatures and have always fascinated kids and adults in a similar fashion. But only a few know that these cute animals can be dangerous, too. Pandas have all the tools to attack humans. Like other bears, giant pandas and red pandas are capable of getting very aggressive. They can be dangerous when they feel intimidated or cornered. However, to keep their populations healthy and learn more about how these endangered species interact with their environment, it is essential to study the behavior of pandas in the wild and captivity as well. 

Let's delve deeper into the complete article to see if there are reasons to consider pandas dangerous and do pandas attack humans? Keep reading for detailed information on the giant and red panda attacks and how they can be dangerous.

Do Pandas Attack Humans?

Panda bears are considered cuddly, quiet, seemingly obedient animals that many people think are not dangerous. However, when a panda is annoyed, feels intimidated, or senses a warning to itself or its babies, it can attack humans.

Giant and red pandas in the wild are unlikely to proceed toward humans but could attack if a human gives rise to their annoyance, or they think of a human as a threat to their cubs. It's highly improbable that a panda would attack a human without provocation.

There are three different cases reported from the Beijing Zoo when pandas attacked people in the name of self-defense. When visitors to the zoo either entered the panda bear enclosure willingly or fell in accidentally, the captive panda bear attacked them. Pandas inflicted aggressive bites that almost chopped off limbs. Pandas also have collapsible claws in their paws that can slice human skin with ease.

On the other hand, red pandas rarely attack humans. However, it is noteworthy that the likelihood of red pandas causing fatalities is very low. It is reported that red pandas typically attack when they feel threatened or vulnerable.

During such attacks, they generally try to scratch or bite humans, which can create open wounds. These wounds can easily become infected if they are not treated in time. Moreover, just like other wild animals, red pandas can carry diseases like rabies that have the possibility to harm humans if they are scratched or bitten. Therefore, if an individual has been attacked by a red panda may require rabies vaccinations as a precautionary measure.

Why Can Pandas Be Dangerous?

There are various reasons why pandas should be considered dangerous. Let's look at a few of them.

  1. Pandas, same as any other bears, are wild animals that have wild instincts. 

The giant panda and red panda are a type of bear species. To survive is the main and strongest instinct every wild animal typically has. If a panda bear feels intimidated, its first response will be to defend itself. Even if a panda bear doesn't feel frightened, it can attack you suddenly because, like any other bear, it can be unpredictable as well. 

  1. Panda bears possess typical characteristics of carnivorous animals. 

That means pandas can eat meat if they are in the wild and deprived of anything else to eat. Panda bears consume leaves and shoots from bamboo plants most of the time, and most of their life spans. Many of us may have already seen many adorable videos circling the internet where lazy-looking pandas eat bamboo. As a matter of fact, pandas are lazy creatures, but not as lazy as we think. An adult male panda weighs around 280 lbs and can be agile and use its great strength against you, as and when they want. 

  1. Pandas have a high-powered bite force. 

Adult pandas can generate the power of approximately 2603 newtons with their canine teeth. This force is so strong that it can sever a piece of meat like a tangerine peel. On the contrary, human beings can easily tear into a slice of meat with a force of approximately 890 newtons. Additionally, panda bears' back teeth are nearly seven times the size of a human's teeth, making them more dangerous.

  1. Panda bears have sharp claws. 

They have six fingers on their large paws that they essentially use as a grip for climbing and holding bamboo shoots. Their paws are equipped with collapsible claws that are sharp enough to penetrate into the skin with ease. Pandas can efficiently utilize these natural physical abilities as weapons if needed. 

How Can Red Pandas Be Aggressive? 

Red pandas tend to get aggressive all of a sudden when they feel irritated. While aggression is common among red pandas in the wild, even those that were hand-raised have been reported to become aggressive at their caretakers.

When red pandas are aggressive, they display totally different body language. They not only make huffing and quacking sounds but also stand on their two back legs as a clear sign of aggression. 

While red pandas may look harmless, with their crushing jaw power, razor-sharp large teeth, and cutting claws, they are very dangerous, and just their self-defense mechanisms can severely harm you.

They are solitary creatures and always like to be alone, except during breeding season. They don't like to be touched, not to mention cuddled, and would avoid being close to humans in any case. 

If you are passionate about being close to cute panda bears, and at the same time, you want to avoid an unfortunate encounter with them, you must visit Pandadorf.com. This website is especially for you. Here, you can buy panda-themed jewelry, handbags, accessories, stuffed toys, and much more to show your love and dedication towards pandas. 

We expect that after reading this blog post, you will know what to answer if someone asks you, do pandas attack humans? While red and giant pandas can be dangerous and attack in defense, we should try to give priority to the conservation of these panda bears rather than attempting to keep them as pets. So, it is crucial to take precautions and respect the wild nature of panda bears and their personal space when encountering these fascinating animals in the wild.



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